Sunday, September 1, 2024


Israelis protest for Peace.

While no one or nothing can justify the killing of innocent civilians, and our heartfelt sympathies for their families and the outrage for and condemnation of this terrible act should be strong and unequivocal, let us also remember that there are no winners in any war, especially among civilians caught in the cross fire.

This new violence has its genesis in Netanyahu's disregard for previous agreements as well as Trump's unwise backtracking of US policies that emboldened an already rabid Netanyahu and pushed Hamas to the wall. Biden's placing his own re-election concerns and the resulting kid glove approach to Netanyahu also compounded the problem. Indeed, there are more than two bloody hands and more than one continent responsible for this tragedy.

Let there be no more bloodshed, and let the call for immediate peace be made in the strongest terms with supportive action to curtail all violent participants.

One thing the Palestinian supporters in the US need to consider is if indeed things would be better or worse for Paletinians (and Israelis, and the USA too) with Trump in power. Will Kamala Harris make a difference, or better still can it be that she does not have to even bear that burden by Biden becoming more cognizant of the damage done and being done each day by the warring parties and by his own hemi-paresis (i.e., one sided paralysis)? PS: A person with paresis has muscle weakness, but can still move the affected muscles, albeit more weakly than normal. Paresis is also known as partial paralysis

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