Saturday, August 31, 2024


Do I feel angry at those who support any specific candidate? Do I hate or even dislike them? No. How can I ? Some have been friends or good acquaintances for long, most of them are 'otherwise' nice people and helpful, and all said and done it takes all kinds of people to make a world.

What I truly feel is a sense of amazement at how vile politicians and selfish rich men and women can con people into believing that they have the back of the common man. I have seen this in India where people placed such men and women in power discarding true selfless leaders in various state governments, and they still do falling for their divisive talk and false promises and slogans. Those states are today known mainly for institutionalized bigotry and corruption with the political class alone getting rich beyond imagination in droves.

I request all to consider only these in the upcoming November and always:

1. Shouldn't personal integrity be a prerequisite for our trust?
2. Isn't it true that our speech reflects our level of evolution, culture, and empathy?
3. Who do we want our own children to emulate and take as examples to follow?
4. Can a democracy sustain itself without giving a reasonable level of equality and representation for all? How many countries have seen themselves descend to total chaos and destruction through riots by those who are kept down by force? Is that the group of nations we want to be in?
5. Can a divided nation achieve as much as a united one?
6. Don't we sound hollow and hypocritical when we deny women equal rights and equal pay and deny even their right on their own bodies and yet preach to other nations?
7. Should not the goodness and basic humanity in us reflect in the leaders we support and choose?

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