Tuesday, September 3, 2024


I have been very vocal against the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the loot of the Middle East by the Western powers of Europe over Centuries and by our own oil tycoons in the not-too distant past, and the denial of freedom and a state of their own to Palestinians. As a Democrat, it is not easy for me to criticize a Democratic President I rooted and voted for, but I have criticized Biden too for tolerating the atrocities in Gaza. So, let no one accuse me of islamophobia or religious intolerance. As a Hindu, I would be equally opposed if this were a Hindu temple.
This new rule in Minneapolis is bad in every respect and is more a vote mongering gesture than anythng else.
1. A call for prayer should be a right in USA, but in these days does it have to be on a blaring set of speakers mounted atop a tower that disturb the peace and the beauty of silence that is already disturbed by so much noise pollution due to all kinds of traffic and electro-mechanical devices?
2. Today's Internet and wireless phones provide ample ways to make a call for prayer and reach those who want to be reached without disturbing others
3 What about my right not to be disturbed by unwanted loud blaring of devices irrespective of any religion and except to warn people of emergencies?
4. What about children, senior citizens, the sick and workers including doctors and policemen on call whose rest and sleep will be disturbed by loud noise?
5. The holy books of the religions were written when no such technology like loudspeakers existed and do not require such an onslaught on people's ears.
6. Are we going to have a competition in cacophony by competing religions as you see in every major town and city in India and other places?
7. Left alone, this runs the risk of increasing religious intolerance, and particularly against minority religions, and causing more division in this nation.
This rule is more than WOKE!!! It is dumb, stupid, and non-democratic in every way except perhaps to religious fanatics. I appeal to all moderate and progressive muslims to kindly stand up against this; your own school going children and old and sick will be impacted, and this will only increase the resentment towards Islam in general. It should be challenged in the courts and reversed at the earliiest opportunity. Point #2 above alone should show that its reversal will not curtail freedom of religion.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Israelis protest for Peace.

While no one or nothing can justify the killing of innocent civilians, and our heartfelt sympathies for their families and the outrage for and condemnation of this terrible act should be strong and unequivocal, let us also remember that there are no winners in any war, especially among civilians caught in the cross fire.

This new violence has its genesis in Netanyahu's disregard for previous agreements as well as Trump's unwise backtracking of US policies that emboldened an already rabid Netanyahu and pushed Hamas to the wall. Biden's placing his own re-election concerns and the resulting kid glove approach to Netanyahu also compounded the problem. Indeed, there are more than two bloody hands and more than one continent responsible for this tragedy.

Let there be no more bloodshed, and let the call for immediate peace be made in the strongest terms with supportive action to curtail all violent participants.

One thing the Palestinian supporters in the US need to consider is if indeed things would be better or worse for Paletinians (and Israelis, and the USA too) with Trump in power. Will Kamala Harris make a difference, or better still can it be that she does not have to even bear that burden by Biden becoming more cognizant of the damage done and being done each day by the warring parties and by his own hemi-paresis (i.e., one sided paralysis)? PS: A person with paresis has muscle weakness, but can still move the affected muscles, albeit more weakly than normal. Paresis is also known as partial paralysis

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Do I feel angry at those who support any specific candidate? Do I hate or even dislike them? No. How can I ? Some have been friends or good acquaintances for long, most of them are 'otherwise' nice people and helpful, and all said and done it takes all kinds of people to make a world.

What I truly feel is a sense of amazement at how vile politicians and selfish rich men and women can con people into believing that they have the back of the common man. I have seen this in India where people placed such men and women in power discarding true selfless leaders in various state governments, and they still do falling for their divisive talk and false promises and slogans. Those states are today known mainly for institutionalized bigotry and corruption with the political class alone getting rich beyond imagination in droves.

I request all to consider only these in the upcoming November and always:

1. Shouldn't personal integrity be a prerequisite for our trust?
2. Isn't it true that our speech reflects our level of evolution, culture, and empathy?
3. Who do we want our own children to emulate and take as examples to follow?
4. Can a democracy sustain itself without giving a reasonable level of equality and representation for all? How many countries have seen themselves descend to total chaos and destruction through riots by those who are kept down by force? Is that the group of nations we want to be in?
5. Can a divided nation achieve as much as a united one?
6. Don't we sound hollow and hypocritical when we deny women equal rights and equal pay and deny even their right on their own bodies and yet preach to other nations?
7. Should not the goodness and basic humanity in us reflect in the leaders we support and choose?

Friday, August 23, 2024


Today marks the 50th anniversary of my first entry into the US.
The greatest boon of this migration is certainly the enormous opportunities our children Priya and Prem have got that have made them highly successful professionally and in many other ways. (While talent cannot be stopped from succeeding, it would have been much harder for them in today's Tamilnadu marked by unbridled reverse discrimination and corruption.) Soundaram also could continue her studies to get a Ph.D without facing any age restrictions then prevailing in India . She has had a rewarding career, first as the head of testing and evaluation in the largest public school system of NJ and later as a faculty in education guiding 28 students' doctoral work and see many of them rise to leadership positions in the NJ public school system, one of the best in the nation. To me, the biggest benefit has been the ability to support my family both here and in India while remaining a researcher all through. It is a profession where one trades intellectual satisfaction and the hope of attaining a sliver of immortality through one's scientific contributions in exchange for losing many a monetary and other opportunity. Doing that as I did, and also in times when we were treated very much by some as intruders (our colleagues and superiors did not grow up with us or other Indians in schools and colleges as is the case for our children), it has sometimes made me wonder if the tradeoff has been personally worth it, often resulting in an answer in my mind in the negative. But in all honesty, I must say that compared to the transience of monetary gains, awards, etc., the fact that I could indeed contribute some fundamental results in probability theory (some bearing my name) and apply them to improve communication systems that everyone depends on (one piece of my work has also been life saving for vast swatches of this land) has made my life an interesting and exciting one. Being truly foreign to this nation as we were, the friendship and support of the Indian community here are what sustained us. The opportunities denied both of us at work were more than compensated by the ability to build and serve in organizations serving this community with a great sense of thankfulness for what they meant to us and also for our posterity. We take great pride in that we did not stop with just the Indian community in extending our help but could help many local ones too helping the poor and needy. Our modest way of living did allow us to do these in spite of not raking in a lot.

As we age, our concerns are two-fold: (a) Will the greater acceptance of us recent immigrants that we saw, be sustained and allow our children serve what is indeed their nation and the only one they know to their fullest capacity? Or, will it diminish and the clock reset to an undesirable level through the hateful and ugly rhetoric of the likes of Trump? (b) Will our grandchildren and successive generations understand, cherish, and pass on the high cultural heritage and family values we grew up with and got ingrained as Indians born and brought up in India? Will they understand that those enduring values are those that truly distinguish us and can indeed make a difference in many ways both personally and societally?
Well, it has all been a wonderful life overall. Once again, I thank all our friends and colleagues who have helped us over the years one way or the other seeing each other as fellow humans and not through any lens dividing us. Most importantly, I thank the J.N. Tata Foundation, the K.C. Mahindra Foundation, and Purdue University. While the former two helped me with scholarships, Purdue gave me a Fellowship. Without these, I could not have come at all. It was indeed my great honor to be named.a Distinguished Science Alumnus by Purdue, an award given to only a handful of people each year.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

'Nil nisi bonum' and Biden

With most US Press and Media including its most incisive reporters and interviewers, "De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est' - "Of the dead nothing but good is to be said" - seems to apply equally to outgoing US Presidents as much as to the dead.  Biden is no exception, and his treatment now by the media is also in line with our American jingoism that our President (sorry SCOTUS, should I say monarch?) can only be good.  Biden indeed does have a number of achievements in his one term Presidency, and some will bear fruit soon in what is hopefully to be a Kamala Harris presidency. Our American press and people will mainly focus on those, leaving what happened, or happens, around the world almost out in any consideration in the evaluation of  any administration.

The unfortunate fact, however, is that the Biden-Blinken-Austin trio has acted in ways showing little regard to non-American lives (except may be of some close allies) and pursued a policy of hegemony of the 20th Century that, in a highly changed environment obtaining now, compromises the long term interest and standing of our nation for short term gains.  The callousness shown towards the genocide in Gaza and the neighboring areas, the way the Afghan retreat was handled, the continuation and feeding of the flames of the Ukraine war, and the arbitrary seizures of Russian assets will all  be judged quite differently and negatively by history than it is in today's environment where, if one may quote Cholmsky and Co, both content and consent are manufactured.  The last of these seems to have already shaken the trust in the US as a banker with dire consequences for the primacy of the US dollar.  The world can indeed breath a sigh of relief that this trio will be gone, but that relief can be validated only in the policies of the new administration to come.

America, as always, is focused mainly on internal affairs - the economy, continuing second class treatment of women who can't even own a right to their own bodies, religion, and of course pocketbook issues.   Most have probably not heard of Bangladesh or the recent allegations that an elected leader has been ousted there, and that is suspected to be our machination as a reprisal for not giving us a military base. No one asks why we repeatedly side with autocratic governments, monarchies, and dictators and let in people suspected of high handed terrorism against other democracies (eg Rana against India).  No one seems to challenge Kamala Harris on what her foreign policy would indeed appear to look like.  Is she going to continue the international policies of Biden that have tarnished the American image and credibility significantly around the world and caused serious supply chain and other problems hurting our economy?

By all means, we should pray for Trump's loss in the election since the alternative will throw the world into greater chaos.  For now, Kamala Harris' foreign policy details  remaining obscure can work to her favor where the oppositon's slogan 'America First' is bought with no examination of how it may get rolled out.  Also, given the conflicts going on, it is best if America plays with its hand not fully exposed (quite contrary to Trump's unwise comments in this area.)  But the American intelligentsia and the Press and Media do owe  us Americans to challenge the leadership and move this nation, supposedly with 'a government of the people, for the people, and by the people,' in the right direction, not only in its internal affairs but also in its external affairs.  The stakes are too high for America in the world stage, and it is high time that some fair time is allocated to foreign affairs and the like too in interviews and debates.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

November Elections, a Hobson's Choice

     With the two major political parties in the USA offering what is but a Hobson’s Choice ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobson%27s_choice ) to US voters by each backing a candidate who can even most charitably be called only a dismal choice, the oldest democracy of the world is undermining its own democracy and also its world dominance and playing a masochistic role of an iconic hero of an unfolding tragedy of immense proportions. Ironically, this happens in the very year when the voters of the largest but younger democracy of the world, India,  demonstrated surprising maturity by showing that they are not beholden any more to personality cults or divisive party politics.  US voter concern this year should not be on who wins the race, but rather how much more harm will come to the nation and the world from whoever that wins the race and gets his second term.

      Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee won his first term as President mainly through divisive politics and fear mongering although with hindsight one must say he was helped by Barack Obama who threw his support behind an unelectable Hilllary Clinton upending a leading candidate of his own party.  Also, that the key turning point in Biden’s own election success came mainly through the support of African American Congressmen did not help to attenuate the devisive feelings fanned by Trump.  Stoking feelings of white supremacy and exploiting the fear that whites in the nation are becoming a minority and may eventually get marginalized, Trump has polarized the nation to an extent that the U of the abbreviation USA itself is today in doubt.   Its states and people are now divided into irreconcilable ‘blue’ and ‘red’ blocks.  No longer does any of Trump’s supporters feel the slightest compunction about displaying their bigotry openly or being totally uncivil even in the hallowed halls of the US Congress.  Even groups like Italian and Cuban Americans that only a few decades ago were as hated and disliked as the present day Hispanic immigrants have joined his bandwagon. 

The culmination of Trump’s disdain for democracy was, of course, the insurrection he engineered and the attempted takeover by force of the United States Capitol, the very symbol of democracy for over two centuries.  That Trump can be a frontrunner in the Presidential race after that and even after being convicted on thirty four felony counts speaks for the depth to which the US has descended.  A big chunk of the nation that was hitherto inspired by the high ideals of equality and justice for all is today following the demagogue Trump like the children of Havelin who followed the pied piper, this time into a deep ocean of ultranationalism, racism, and bigotry.  

The only glimmer of hope is that a second term of Trump, like his first, may go without any major war.  It indeed may, not so much due to the goodness of his character but more so due to his placing a higher emphasis on a Trump Tower in major cities of the world and pushing his personal financial interests over everything else.  And that, he has to do now with even greater vigor given that he has had to spend so much just on his legal defense alone.  But at what price?  He has already threatened to curb democracy and free speech and to go after his political opponents in whatever way possible to extract revenge for what he asserts is injustice handed to him by Biden & Co.  Already with the US Congress in total disarray and the US Supreme Court dominated by rabid conservative ideology, any semblance of balance of power appears to be totally absent.  What is in peril through Trump is US democracy itself.  

Certainly, Trump will pursue a policy of US isolation on the world stage and can be expected to offend other world leaders a lot more than in his first term setting back US international relations quite badly.  His promises of economic prosperity and job growth will be as farcical and a failure as in his first term although some policies of his will benefit the richest small percentage in the nation.  But none of this seems to concern the majority that supports him today for whom race, abortion and gender issues, religion (Christianity), and immigration (nay the halting of it) are the more important issues, enamored as they are by the rhetoric of nationalism and racism.  Trump will be bad news to the world, but may actually be even worse for the US.

If the Republicans are failing the nation with their choice, the Democrats are no better and are backing one who is equally a bad choice.  In that, they are betting solely on the advantages of incumbency despite that being not such a great advantage in itself as shown by the defeats of Carter, (the Senior) Bush, and recently Trump.

Biden certainly has made some great strides by way of successfully getting ‘the much overdue infrastructure bill to upgrade the failing infrastructure of the nation, and through that and a few other policies created many jobs.  His initiative to bring back manufacturing to the USA as also to reduce the dependence on China for material and products, including key components for its strategic sector, will certainly bear fruit for the nation in the long run.  One can even say that he has a genuine concern for the lower rungs of the society and is a man of much higher integrity than his rival.

But Biden’s overall performance both domestically and internationally leaves much to be desired, making him a great disappointment to even many of his former supporters who expected much better from his long experience in government and chronological maturity.  In many ways, it will not be an exaggeration to say that he has shown himself to be a demagogue too and to be a man of the previous century with no good understanding of the changed, multipolar world of today.  His blind support of Israel and continued supply of arms and support to Israel despite its blatant human rights violations against unarmed innocents, shows a  callousness towards the deaths and cruelty inflicted on innocent Gazans bringing to question whether he values all humans and human lives equally or whether he has his own hierarchy where some peoples are indeed expendable. His first act of a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan perhaps should have served as an indicator of this.

Domestically, Biden is viewed as having encouraged the worsening of  illegal immigration in the southern border of the USA by not coming down from the get go as strongly as he does now against illegal immigration.  Despite the ballooning of the federal budget and the US debt during the Covid period, he did not place a sufficient high priority on shoring up the economy and taking steps to curb an impending inflation, but instead chose many expensive populist schemes like student debt write offs without  regard to the moral hazard such policies create or to the creedence it adds to the allegation that he and his party would ‘give it all away to ‘em people to retain power.’  His priority should have been to retain the Congress for his party and to have paid more heed to the famous statement, ‘It’s the economy, stupid!’ of one of his predecessors.

Biden’s international policies, spearheaded by his Secretary of State Blinken - of Ukrainian descent and of Jewish persuasion - has got him embroiled in two wars, of which one can be attributed only to his not coming to grips with the fact that US is no longer the only superpower in the world and the other to his being a captive of a domestic vote bank and campaign contributors.   In neither case, he has shown a strong commitment to peaceful resolution of the conflicts except as lip service. In that, he displays a machismo and hegemonic tendencies of a past century.   Both these involvements have done much harm to both the US economy and to US reputation.   As though this were not enough, he has taken on China at the most inopportune time and too openly pushing it closer to Russia adding to the danger of the Ukraine conflict escalating to a third world war between major blocks nuclearly armed and capable of total destruction of each other.  The combination of all these has also created a serious supply chain problem for the US (and to other world economies) adding to inflation and other economic woes.  Finally, on top of these, he has taken steps to garner Russian wealth deposited with the US thereby degrading the trust of every depositor sovereign nation to the extent that there is genuine fear now that the US cannot be trusted as the banker of the world.  The long term effect of this could very well be that the dollar may cease to be the dominant exchange currency of the world.  Already, we are seeing nations, including supposedly opposed ones like India and China, trading bilaterally in their currencies.  Biden’s re-election is bound to embolden him even more on his absurdly destructive path and make the US (and the world) much worse.

Now, the reader can see why I asserted up front that the real concern for the US voter should be not who gets elected, but how much more harm he will do to the nation and to the world.  November 2024 is still far away, and much could change between now and November.  But as of this moment, the future of the USA and the world are very much in flux, and all one can do is to pray for some divine intervention.

The problem faced by the US today appears to be endemic to all democracies.  For instance, politics in India, despite what I said earlier, is increasingly driven by divisive demagoguery, and corruption is rampant.  The comparison is all the more pertinent since what is happening here in the US is now turning our nation into a so-derided Third World. 

Democracy seems to be its own destructive force through the freedom it gives that can be exploited to incite people based on wrong arguments.  Voter education, unbiased media, and even more importantly taking money and disregard for the law and accepted norms out of politics are most important in preserving democracies and making them really function for all people.  Laws alone shall not suffice, nor will a long history of being a democracy. Indeed, as in the words of a great poet, "Ill fares the land to hastening ills a prey, where wealth accumulates and men decay."  Those are the lessons unfolded by the current state of affairs in the USA today.  May God bless America and the world!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Na brooyaat satyam apriyam [Do not tell truth that is unpleasant]

 "Satyam brooyaat, priyam brooyaat, na brooyaat satyamapriyam
   Priyam cha naanrtam brooyaat, Esha dharmaH sanaatanaH". [Manusmriti 4.138]


This saying is a mixed truth, and like many statements in Sanskrit it is often quoted without deep examination and unfortunately also followed as though it were a part of our sruti (dharma; fundamental scriptures) although it is indeed only part of a smriti (religion/practical advice given for the transactional world) intended for a specific time whose many pronouncements are now rightly challenged for the greater value of equality of human beings as a creation of the Supreme.

The specific part I take exception to is the one saying 'na brooyaat satyam apriyam (do not say truth that is unpleasant).'  Certainly, no one can question the practical wisdom of this saying in terms of the peril a person violating it may encounter if the truth said is against a powerful, cruel, uncouth, or unprincipled person.  So, what I take exception is not as much to the saying itself but to the attempted universal application and  censorship through quoting of it.  And, I can't ignore what cowardice may bring.

Much harm is caused in familial relationships as also in friendship when "elders" maintain silence in the belief that  truth is unpleasant and should not therefore be said.  From the tale of Draupadi's disrobing in our great epic Mahabharata to many present day situations in every family and friend circles, this fact is relived time and again.  We - elders particularly - do have a responsibility to speak up and stand up for truth and what is right even if what we must say may become unpleasant and inconvenient to some.

I have, in my public and voluntary service, often found the silence of many good thinking people even in the presence of obvious violations of trust, good behavior, etc., an impediment to good governance.  I have often called it 'TamBrahm hypocrisy' although this failing is certainly not restricted to TamBrahms alone.  I am sure that most will resonate with my angst irrespective of their race, class, creed, etc.

In the arena of arts, this saying and the threats of lawsuits (even frivolous) in certain countries  have created an environment where reviews are nothing but empty platitudes and praises only.   The real victims are truth and the arts. [Such frivolity is not possible in the US - I thank its founders for the First Amendment guaranteeing Free Speech and the courts that protect it with great force] .   For the benefits of honest reviews  both to the arts and to the artist, see my earlier blog "A critique of critics and criticisms" [ https://veeraam.blogspot.com/2017/10/a-critique-of-critics-and-criticisms.html ].

So, I appeal to you all.  Please do not take something as God given just because it is said in Sanskrit or Latin or whatever.  Please do not shy from speaking up when you must.  There is a real scriptural saying from the sruti: "asatO mA sat gamaya, tamasO maa jyOtirgamaya" [May we go from untruth to truth and from darkness to light] that should guide us when dilemmas do arise a lot more than the smriti saying that forms the title of this blog.


This author also wrote the books 'Innovation by India for India, the Need and the Challenge' as also 'Bhaja Govindam - A Topical Exposition'  besides writing and editing several books in his fields Applied Probability & Telecommunications.  He is a former President & Secretary of CMANA, the Carnatic Music Association of North America under whose Presidency its Sangeethasagara award was instituted.  He has penned over 40 compositions in Carnatic music.  A probabilist by profession, he has been a serial inventor with many patents, and among his positions was one as Chief Scientist at Bellcore.  He was named a Distinguished Science Alumnus by Purdue University, an honor given to a very small percentage of its graduates.